News and stories about how FPAssistant is developed and the technologies used to create it

UK Obstacle Data – QGIS and SQL Azure

A support question arrived asking about adding data into a spatial database, as it happens a article was written a while back on LinkedIn. In short, the GeoMapElements (Point, Circle, Line, Polygon, LineString, etc) are easily added to a spatial database using the method AsGeography(). The article describes how data contained in a Excel spreadsheet [...]

2022-05-22T15:08:23+00:00May 22nd, 2022|FPAssistant SDK/API News, General News|

FPAssistant Suite SDK Binaries Options on .NET

The FPAssistant Suite SDK uses the .NET platform from Microsoft as the developer platform, this is because is free, cross-platform and open source. Here is a link to find out more about .NET. The big release a while back was .NET 5.0 and it seems that Microsoft and the community are releasing .NET on a [...]

2022-04-01T12:56:20+00:00April 1st, 2022|FPAssistant SDK/API News, General News|

Microsoft announces .NET 6.0

Well, a year later and we now have .NET 6.0 developed by the .NET team and community. This is another great step forward for aviation software developers using the FPAssistant Suite SDK as this is fully now supported for .NET 6.0. This release is a unified development platform and as you can see from the [...]

2021-11-16T14:46:58+00:00November 16th, 2021|FPAssistant SDK/API News|

SDK: Coordinate Systems (WGS-84 <--> NAD 83 and UTM)

In our world of aviation we get the data in all forms and many different digital formats. To support the most commonly used, the SDK uses:    WGS-84 Latitude / Longitude Coordinates with GeoCoordinate and GeoCoordinateBasic    Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system (UTM Map Projection)    North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) If we are [...]

2021-07-22T12:21:00+00:00July 22nd, 2021|FPAssistant SDK/API News|

SDK: NuGet Update to FPAssistant SDK Build 2021.4.22

A few days back the latest build of FPAssistant SDK was added to the NuGet Gallery, it has been a few months and the Dev Team has been working to improve, add new features which some have been requested by users. Further details can be found below. NuGetGallery - FPAssistant SDK JSON - [...]

2021-04-26T11:14:23+00:00April 26th, 2021|FPAssistant SDK/API News, General News|

SDK: Target Frameworks for FPAssistant Suite SDK

We got asked the other day for a list of the Target Frameworks supported in the FPAssistant Suite along with future plans; so here is a technical answer, the following Frameworks are supported all as Class Libraries ready to be referenced in Visual Studio or some through NuGet: FPAssistant with Geodetics calculated locally on computer [...]

2021-02-05T14:25:14+00:00February 5th, 2021|FPAssistant SDK/API News|

APP & API: FAA Geodetic Calcs

Further to earlier post here covering the addition to the SDK of the FAA formula for Geodetic distance and destination, these have now been added to the SDK example app. The current version of the App is available for Windows 10 in the Microsoft store. APP showing example calcs Distance : Will calculation [...]

2021-01-26T13:25:11+00:00January 26th, 2021|FPAssistant App News, FPAssistant SDK/API News|

API: GeoCoordinateBasic Object (Struct)

This object has been designed for speed and memory usage to offer a minimal handling of a Latitude and Longitude geographical coordinate, it simply stores the coordinate in the form of decimal Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS) over two properties named Latitude and Longitude. It is cut down and only offers some form of validation [...]

2021-01-21T21:10:13+00:00January 21st, 2021|FPAssistant SDK/API News|

SDK Objects: JSON serialization and deserialization

Support is currently being added to objects defined within the SDK to assist in the serialization and deserialization (marshalling and unmarshalling) from JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). This is being done by adding the required attributes to object class/struct member(s) and  properties defined by the Microsoft library System.Text.Json. Microsoft describe this library as "Provides high-performance and low-allocating types [...]

2020-12-08T16:11:19+00:00December 8th, 2020|FPAssistant SDK/API News, General News|

Microsoft announces .NET 5.0

.NET 5.0 Overview   Yesterday on the 10th November 2020 Microsoft released .NET 5.0 as a major release including C# 9.0 and F# 5.0 along with Visual Studio 16.8. It was only 6 weeks ago that I added a blog on .NET Standard 2.1 and .NET 5.0 Support .NET 5.0 is available now [...]

2020-11-11T17:58:00+00:00November 11th, 2020|FPAssistant SDK/API News, General News|